Politics, Institutions and Services in Swedish Municipalities

Data source: Dahlström and Tyberg

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This dataset consists of all the 290 Swedish municipalities between 1980 and 2015. The dataset contains, for example, information about the population in the municipality; information about welfare services, such as education and elder care; citizens satisfaction with services; election results; political organization; the municipal economy; and other information.

The data was originally assembled for the project "Out of Control or Over Controlled? Incentives, Audits and New Public Management" (financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond through grant SGO14-1147:1).

The purpose of the project was to study the effects of NPM (New Public Management) reforms on public service delivery, corruption, government effectiveness, and more broadly human well-being. Although NPM is at least 25 years old, we have limited understanding about the effects of NPM. In particular, there has been a lack of quantitative studies with large-number sample sizes. This dataset provides within country variation in politics, institutions, socio-economic factors and services among other things, over four decades.

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Municipality


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Dahlström, C., & Tyrberg, M. (2016). Politics, institutions and services in swedish municipalities, 1980-2015, version 01April2016. University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. https://www.gu.se/en/quality-government

Variables in this dataset:

Municipal corruption: The regulations are sufficient in the guidelines for bias
QoG Code: swm_ sk_Q21_2

Municipal corruption: To what degree to you consider the regulations of the municipality, which aim to prevent corruption, are sufficient in the guidelines for bias? On a scale of 1 "Very high degree" to 3 "Neither high or low degree" to 5 "Not at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

More about this variable

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Culture
QoG Code: swm_indcult

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Culture. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Elderly care
QoG Code: swm_indec

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Elderly care. 2005-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Emergency service
QoG Code: swm_indems

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Emergency service. 2005-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Environmental work
QoG Code: swm_indenv

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Environmental work. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Elementary school
QoG Code: swm_indes

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Elementary school. 2005-2015 Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: High school
QoG Code: swm_indhs

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: High school. 2005-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Pre-school
QoG Code: swm_indps

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Pre-school. 2005-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Waste disposal and refuse collection
QoG Code: swm_indrec

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Waste disposal and refuse collection. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Streets and roads
QoG Code: swm_indroad

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Streets and roads. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Sport grounds
QoG Code: swm_indsp

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Sport grounds. 2010-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Sidewalks and cycle paths
QoG Code: swm_indsw

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Sidewalks and cycle paths. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Treatment and availability
QoG Code: swm_indtr

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Treatment and availability. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

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Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Support for vulnerable groups
QoG Code: swm_indvul

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Support for vulnerable groups. 2005-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

More about this variable

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Water and drainage
QoG Code: swm_indwadr

Citizen satisfaction with service delivery: Water and drainage. 2006-2015. Index showing citizens' judgement regarding service delivery in the municipality. Scale 1-100, where higher values = higher satisfaction. The respondents are asked their opinion of one or several aspects within each area, which are then added into a total index. Source: SCB's citizen survey, compiled by SCB (www.scb.se) and Kolada (www.kolada.se).

More about this variable

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bs1

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bs2

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bs3

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bs4

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bs5

Use of balanced scorecard in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bsu1

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bsu2

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bsu3

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bsu4

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_bsu5

Use of balance sheet units in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of client choice in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_cc1

Use of client choice in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of client choice in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_cc2

Use of client choice in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of client choice in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_cc3

Use of client choice in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of client choice in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_cc4

Use of client choice in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of client choice in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_cc5

Use of client choice in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_corp1

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_corp2

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_corp3

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_corp4

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_corp5

Use of corporatisation in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_ffs1

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_ffs2

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_ffs3

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_ffs4

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_ffs5

Use of fee-for-service in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_mo1

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_mo2

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_mo3

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_mo4

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_mo5

Use of management by objectives in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Use of profit centres in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pc1

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pc2

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pc3

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pc4

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pc5

Use of profit centres in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Process management in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pm1

Process management in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Process management in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pm2

Process management in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Process management in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pm3

Process management in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Process management in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pm4

Process management in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Process management in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_pm5

Process management in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Privatisation in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_priv1

Privatisation in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Privatisation in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_priv2

Privatisation in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Privatisation in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_priv3

Privatisation in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Privatisation in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_priv4

Privatisation in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Privatisation in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_priv5

Privatisation in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_purp1

Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

More about this variable

Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_purp2

Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_purp3

Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_purp4

Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_purp5

Purchaser provider split in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Quality management in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_qm1

Quality management in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Quality management in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_qm2

Quality management in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Quality management in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_qm3

Quality management in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Quality management in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_qm4

Quality management in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Quality management in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_qm5

Quality management in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model applied
QoG Code: swm_kfi_rpe1

Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model applied. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model experimented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_rpe2

Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model experimented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model fully implemented
QoG Code: swm_kfi_rpe3

Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model fully implemented. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfi_rpe4

Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model evaluated. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model phased out
QoG Code: swm_kfi_rpe5

Relative performance evaluations in municipality: Model phased out. 0 = No 1 = Yes Data from the survey "Ekonomischefsenkäten", distributed 2005 to the account managers in Swedish municipalities by Kommunforskning i Västsverige (www.kfi.se). Number of responding municipalities: 217. Reference: Kommunforskning i Västsverige, ekonomichefsenkät 2005.

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KOLFU: Civil Servant ask for money
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aa1

KOLFU: Civil Servant ask for money. "A civil servant asks to be paid to perform a service that is actually part of his/her duties." In your opinion, to what extent are the following actions acceptable? On a scale of 1 "Never acceptable" to 7 "Always acceptable". Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q55_1, q55_2, q55_3, q55_4, q55_5.

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KOLFU: Offer a gift or service during a procurement process
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aa2

KOLFU: Offer a gift or service during a procurement process. "A business owner offers a gift or service to a civil servant during a procurement process." In your opinion, to what extent are the following actions acceptable? On a scale of 1 "Never acceptable" to 7 "Always acceptable". Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q55_1, q55_2, q55_3, q55_4, q55_5.

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KOLFU: Provide extra tuition in a public school to a close relatives’s child
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aa3

KOLFU: Provide extra tuition in a public school to a close relatives’s child. "A teacher in a public school provides extra tuition during regular working hours to a close relative's child." In your opinion, to what extent are the following actions acceptable? On a scale of 1 "Never acceptable" to 7 "Always acceptable". Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q55_1, q55_2, q55_3, q55_4, q55_5.

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KOLFU: Offer a job to unqualified relative or friend
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aa4

KOLFU: Offer a job to unqualified relative or friend. "A civil servant offers a job to a relative or friend even though he/she lacks the proper qualifications." In your opinion, to what extent are the following actions acceptable? On a scale of 1 "Never acceptable" to 7 "Always acceptable". Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q55_1, q55_2, q55_3, q55_4, q55_5.

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KOLFU: Provide extra tuition in a private school to a close relatives’s child
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aa5

KOLFU: Provide extra tuition in a private school to a close relatives’s child. "A teacher in a private school provides extra tuition during regular working hours to a close relative's child." In your opinion, to what extent are the following actions acceptable? On a scale of 1 "Never acceptable" to 7 "Always acceptable". Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q55_1, q55_2, q55_3, q55_4, q55_5.

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KOLFU: Pointing at deficiencies
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aud1

KOLFU: Pointing at deficiencies. "The audit points at deficiencies". The municipal audit sometimes points at deficiencies in municipal activities. Concerning your municipality, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q45_1, q45_2 q45_3.

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KOLFU: Remarks leads to actions
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aud2

KOLFU: Remarks leads to actions. "The audit's remarks leads to actions". The municipal audit sometimes points at deficiencies in municipal activities. Concerning your municipality, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q45_1, q45_2 q45_3.

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KOLFU: Effective measures
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aud3

KOLFU: Effective measures. "Measures taken as response to the audit ́s remarks are effective". The municipal audit sometimes points at deficiencies in municipal activities. Concerning your municipality, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q45_1, q45_2 q45_3.

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KOLFU: Bureaucrats participate early on in the process when initiatives and ideas are raised
QoG Code: swm_kfu_burpart1

KOLFU: Early on in the process when initiatives and ideas are raised. Bureaucrats implement the political decisions of the municipality, but often participate in the process that precedes the decisions. In what stages of the political decision process do bureaucrats participate in your municipality today? On a scale of 0 "Bureaucrats never participate" to 10 "Bureaucrats always participate". Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: Bureaucrats participate when studies are carried out prior to decisions
QoG Code: swm_kfu_burpart2

KOLFU: When studies are carried out prior to decisions. Bureaucrats implement the political decisions of the municipality, but often participate in the process that precedes the decisions. In what stages of the political decision process do bureaucrats participate in your municipality today? On a scale of 0 "Bureaucrats never participate" to 10 "Bureaucrats always participate". Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: Bureaucrats participate when formulating draft decisions
QoG Code: swm_kfu_burpart3

KOLFU: When formulating draft decisions. Bureaucrats implement the political decisions of the municipality, but often participate in the process that precedes the decisions. In what stages of the political decision process do bureaucrats participate in your municipality today? On a scale of 0 "Bureaucrats never participate" to 10 "Bureaucrats always participate". Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: Bureaucrats participate when draft decisions are discussed prior to decision-making
QoG Code: swm_kfu_burpart4

KOLFU: When draft decisions are discussed prior to decision-making. Bureaucrats implement the political decisions of the municipality, but often participate in the process that precedes the decisions. In what stages of the political decision process do bureaucrats participate in your municipality today? On a scale of 0 "Bureaucrats never participate" to 10 "Bureaucrats always participate". Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: Bureaucrats participate when decisions are made
QoG Code: swm_kfu_burpart5

KOLFU: When decisions are made. Bureaucrats implement the political decisions of the municipality, but often participate in the process that precedes the decisions. In what stages of the political decision process do bureaucrats participate in your municipality today? On a scale of 0 "Bureaucrats never participate" to 10 "Bureaucrats always participate". Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The municipal service
QoG Code: swm_kfu_conpr1

KOLFU: The municipal service. How do you judge the consequences in regard to the following for municipalities that cooperate with private service entrepreneurs? On a scale of 0 "Deteriorates to a high extent" to 5 "No change" to 10 "Improves to a high extent". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: The economic growth
QoG Code: swm_kfu_conpr2

KOLFU: The economic growth. How do you judge the consequences in regard to the following for municipalities that cooperate with private service entrepreneurs? On a scale of 0 "Deteriorates to a high extent" to 5 "No change" to 10 "Improves to a high extent". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: Citizens' possibility to influence the politics
QoG Code: swm_kfu_conpr3

KOLFU: Citizens' possibility to influence the politics. How do you judge the consequences in regard to the following for municipalities that cooperate with private service entrepreneurs? On a scale of 0 "Deteriorates to a high extent" to 5 "No change" to 10 "Improves to a high extent". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: Municipal councils' possibility to influence the politics.
QoG Code: swm_kfu_conpr4

KOLFU: Municipal councils' possibility to influence the politics. How do you judge the consequences in regard to the following for municipalities that cooperate with private service entrepreneurs? On a scale of 0 "Deteriorates to a high extent" to 5 "No change" to 10 "Improves to a high extent". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: Politician influencing public administration report
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr1

KOLFU: Politician influencing public administration report. "A politician has attempted to influence a public administration report." In your opinion, to what extent have the following occurred in your municipality during this mandate period? On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q53_1, q53_2, q53_3, q53_4, q53_5.

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KOLFU: Former politician hired
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr2

KOLFU: Former politician hired. "A former politician has been employed in a leading position in the public administration or in a publically owned company." In your opinion, to what extent have the following occurred in your municipality during this mandate period? On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q53_1, q53_2, q53_3, q53_4, q53_5.

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KOLFU: Not hiring the most qualified person.
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr3

KOLFU: Not hiring the most qualified person. "A civil servant has been employed despite not being the most qualified candidate." In your opinion, to what extent have the following occurred in your municipality during this mandate period? On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q53_1, q53_2, q53_3, q53_4, q53_5.

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KOLFU: Gift/service offered during procurement process
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr4

KOLFU: Gift/service offered during procurement process. "A businessperson has offered a gift or service to a civil servant in connection with a public procurement." In your opinion, to what extent have the following occurred in your municipality during this mandate period? On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q53_1, q53_2, q53_3, q53_4, q53_5.

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KOLFU: Civil servant paid to perform duties
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr5

KOLFU: Civil servant paid to perform duties. "A public employee has demanded payment for performing a service that is part of his or her duties." In your opinion, to what extent have the following occurred in your municipality during this mandate period? On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q53_1, q53_2, q53_3, q53_4, q53_5.

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KOLFU: Early on in the process when initiatives and ideas are raised
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial1

KOLFU: Early on in the process when initiatives and ideas are raised. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: When studies are carried out prior to decisions
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial2

KOLFU: When studies are carried out prior to decisions. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: When formulating draft decisions
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial3

KOLFU: When formulating draft decisions. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: When draft decisions are discussed prior to decision-making
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial4

KOLFU: When draft decisions are discussed prior to decision-making. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: When decisions are made
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial5

KOLFU: When decisions are made. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: When decisions are implemented by management
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial6

KOLFU: When decisions are implemented by management. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: When decisions are evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial7

KOLFU: When decisions are evaluated. How important do you think it is to keep a dialogue with the citizens in the following parts of the decision process? On a scale of 0 "Not at all important" to 10 "Very important". Source: KOLFU 2008 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010.

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KOLFU: Housing is handled with impartiality
QoG Code: swm_kfu_imp1

KOLFU: Housing. With impartiality we mean that no irrelevant considerations are taken, when making decisions for, e.g, individuals, businesses or groups. To what extent do you perceive that the following types of cases are handled with impartiality in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q52_1, q52_2, q52_3, q52_4 q52_5.

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KOLFU: Building permit is handled with impartiality
QoG Code: swm_kfu_imp2

KOLFU: Building permit. With impartiality we mean that no irrelevant considerations are taken, when making decisions for, e.g, individuals, businesses or groups. To what extent do you perceive that the following types of cases are handled with impartiality in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q52_1, q52_2, q52_3, q52_4 q52_5.

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KOLFU: Environmental permit is handled with impartiality
QoG Code: swm_kfu_imp3

KOLFU: Environmental permit. With impartiality we mean that no irrelevant considerations are taken, when making decisions for, e.g, individuals, businesses or groups. To what extent do you perceive that the following types of cases are handled with impartiality in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q52_1, q52_2, q52_3, q52_4 q52_5.

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KOLFU: Procurement is handled with impartiality
QoG Code: swm_kfu_imp4

KOLFU: Procurement. With impartiality we mean that no irrelevant considerations are taken, when making decisions for, e.g, individuals, businesses or groups. To what extent do you perceive that the following types of cases are handled with impartiality in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q52_1, q52_2, q52_3, q52_4 q52_5.

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KOLFU: Recruitment is handled with impartiality
QoG Code: swm_kfu_imp5

KOLFU: Recruitment. With impartiality we mean that no irrelevant considerations are taken, when making decisions for, e.g, individuals, businesses or groups. To what extent do you perceive that the following types of cases are handled with impartiality in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q52_1, q52_2, q52_3, q52_4 q52_5.

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Bribe index
QoG Code: swm_kfu_index_bribe

Bribe index. A simple additive index constructed by the following questions: kfu_corr4 “Gift/Service Offered During Procurement Process” kfu_corr5 “Civil Servant Paid to Perform Duties” Note: Original variable names: index_bribe, q53_4, q53_5.

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Partiality index
QoG Code: swm_kfu_index_part

Partiality index. A simple additive index constructed by the following questions: kfu_opp1 “Political Influence: Building Permits” kfu_opp2 “Political Influence: Recruitment of Civil Servants” kfu_opp3 “Political Influence: Housing Intermediary” kfu_opp4 “Political Influence: Environmental Permits” kfu_opp5“Political Influence: Procurement” Note: Original variable names: index_partiality, q54_1, q54_2, q54_3, q54_4, q54_5.

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Recruitment index
QoG Code: swm_kfu_index_rec

Recruitment index. A simple additive index constructed by the following questions: kfu_corr2 “Former Politician Hired” kfu_corr3 “Not Hiring the Most Qualified Person” Note: Original variable names: index_recruitment, q53_2, q53_3.

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KOLFU: Building Permits
QoG Code: swm_kfu_opp1

KOLFU: Building Permits. "Influence that a building permit is issued against the recommendations of public officials." Hypothetically speaking, to what extent would a politician in your position, with your contacts in the municipality, have the possibility to : On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q54_1, q54_2, q54_3, q54_4, q54_5.

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KOLFU: Recruitment of Civil Servants
QoG Code: swm_kfu_opp2

KOLFU: Recruitment of Civil Servants. "Influence the hiring process so that a less qualified applicant gets a municipal job before a more qualified person." Hypothetically speaking, to what extent would a politician in your position, with your contacts in the municipality, have the possibility to : On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q54_1, q54_2, q54_3, q54_4, q54_5.

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KOLFU: Housing Intermediary
QoG Code: swm_kfu_opp3

KOLFU: Housing Intermediary. "Influence who gets a home in public housing." Hypothetically speaking, to what extent would a politician in your position, with your contacts in the municipality, have the possibility to : On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q54_1, q54_2, q54_3, q54_4, q54_5.

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KOLFU: Environmental Permits
QoG Code: swm_kfu_opp4

KOLFU: Environmental Permits. "Influence the results of an environmental inspection." Hypothetically speaking, to what extent would a politician in your position, with your contacts in the municipality, have the possibility to : On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q54_1, q54_2, q54_3, q54_4, q54_5.

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KOLFU: Procurement
QoG Code: swm_kfu_opp5

KOLFU: Procurement. "Influence the design of an invitation to tender for local government procurement to favor a local business." Hypothetically speaking, to what extent would a politician in your position, with your contacts in the municipality, have the possibility to : On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2006/2010. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q54_1, q54_2, q54_3, q54_4, q54_5.

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KOLFU: Politicians from your own party
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon1

KOLFU: Politicians from your own party. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: Politicians from other parties
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon2

KOLFU: Politicians from other parties. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: Political bureaucrats
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon3

KOLFU: Political bureaucrats. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: Non-political bureaucrats
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon4

KOLFU: Non-political bureaucrats. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: Entrepreneurs in your municipality
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon5

KOLFU: Entrepreneurs in your municipality. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: Citizens
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon6

KOLFU: Citizens. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: Close friends and family
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polcon7

KOLFU: Close friends and family. To what extent do you consult with following groups when you shape a political proposal? On a scale of 1 "To a very small extent" to 5 "To a very big extent." Source: KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014.

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KOLFU: The influence of municipal council
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl1

KOLFU: Municipal council. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of respondents
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl10

KOLFU: You yourself. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of municipal executive board
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl2

KOLFU: Municipal executive board. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of chairman of municipal executive board
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl3

KOLFU: Chairman of municipal executive board. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of other municipal politicians
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl4

KOLFU: Other municipal politicians. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of bureaucrats
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl5

KOLFU: Bureaucrats. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of citizens
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl6

KOLFU: Citizens. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of public authorities
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl7

KOLFU: Public authorities. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of the local industry and commerce
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl8

KOLFU: The local industry and commerce. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The influence of journalists monitoring the municipal politics.
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl9

KOLFU: Journalists monitoring the municipal politics. How big of an influence do you consider the following actors have over the political activities of the municipality? On a scale of 0 "No influence at all" to 10 "Very big influence." Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012. "Municipal council" is only included as an alternative in KOLFU 2012. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The main occupation is bureaucrat
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polocc1

KOLFU: Bureaucrat. Apart from your position in commission of trust as a politician, which is your main occupation? Yes = 1 No = 0 Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The main occupation is bureaucrat with supervisory position
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polocc2

KOLFU: Bureaucrat with supervisory position. Apart from your position in commission of trust as a politician, which is your main occupation? Yes = 1 No = 0 Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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KOLFU: The main occupation is bureaucrat with business managing position
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polocc3

KOLFU: Bureaucrat with business managing position. Apart from your position in commission of trust as a politician, which is your main occupation? Yes = 1 No = 0 Source: KOLFU 2008 & KOLFU 2012 Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods 2006/2010 and 2010/2014. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Share of citizens experiencing positive treatment when contacting the municipality with an easy question (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_cont

Share of citizens experiencing positive treatment when contacting the municipality with an easy question (%). Survey carried out by an external company. A subjective judgement is made by the questioner, based on three levels; good, average and bad. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2007-2014.

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Cost for roads, streets and parking
QoG Code: swm_kol_costroad

Cost for roads, streets and parking. SEK/Citizen Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 1998-2014

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Municipal employees: Share of municipal hired staff with post-secondary education (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_empedu

Municipal employees: Share of municipal hired staff with post-secondary education (%). All municipal employed included. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2009-2014.

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Municipal employees: Share of newly employed municipal staff (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_empnew

Municipal employees: Share of newly employed municipal staff (%). Employed until further notice during the year, all municipal employed included. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2009-2014.

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Municipal employees: Share of resigned municipal employed (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_empres

Municipal employees: Share of resigned municipal employed (%). Resigned until further noticed employed during the year, all municipal employed included. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2009-2014.

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Municipal employees: Sick leave among municipal employed (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_empsick

Municipal employees: Sick leave among municipal employed (%). The total amount of sick leave time, share of the available ordinary working hours. All municipal employed included. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2006-2014.

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Number of students in elementary schools: Free-standing elementary school
QoG Code: swm_kol_espr1

Number of students in elementary schools (situated in the municipality): Free-standing elementary school. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2005-2014.

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Share of students in free-standing elementary schools (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_espr2

Number of students in elementary schools (situated in the municipality): Share of students in free-standing elementary schools (%) (created variable). Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2005-2014.

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Total number of students
QoG Code: swm_kol_estot

Number of students in elementary schools (situated in the municipality): Total number of students (created variable). Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2005-2014.

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Share of people getting response to an easy question within two days when e-mailing municipality (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_resp1

Share of people getting response to an easy question within two days when e-mailing municipality (%). Survey carried out by an external company. The questions are sent to the central e-mail address of the municipality. Time is measured in working days, from when the request has been received to when a reply has been sent. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se), 2007-2014.

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Share of people getting a direct reply to an easy question when calling the municipality (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_resp2

Share of people getting a direct reply to an easy question when calling the municipality (%). Survey carried out by an external company. A number of relevant and easy questions are asked via telephone to the municipality, through their switch board, during a set period. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se), 2007-2014.

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Share of SFI students that passed highest course (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_sfi

Share of SFI students that passed highest course (%). Swedish for immigrant, courses offered by the municipality to adult immigrants. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2013-2014.

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Share of population with low trust in others (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_trust

The result is based on the following surveys: Hälsa på lika villkor (Statens folkhälsoinstut), Liv och hälsa, Folkhälsa i Skåne, Hälsoenkät Stockholms län. Question posed: "In general, do you think you can trust most people?". The indicator shows low trust, i.e. the share of respondents (age 16-84) that responded "no" to the question. Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2007-2014

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Long-term unemployment (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_unemp

Number of people within the municipality aged 25-64 unemployed or in program with activity support (aktivitetsstöd) for at least six months, divided by total municipal population Source: Kolada (www.kolada.se) 2006-2015.

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Number of local newspapers distributed in the municipalities
QoG Code: swm_locnews

Number of local newspapers distributed in the municipalities. Source: Presstödsnämnden (www.radioochtv.se) 2014 2009-2014. Note: Newspapers with several versions are counted as one. Additional information about distribution is available. Note from source: Numbers regarding Dagens Nyheter's distribution is from year 2011.

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Municipality group
QoG Code: swm_mungroup

Municipality group 1 = Metropolitan 2 = Suburban municipality to metropolitan 3 = Major city 4 = Suburban municipality to major city 5 = Commuter suburbs 6 = Tourism municipality 7 = Goods producing municipality 8 = Rural municipality 9 = Municipality in densely populated region 10 = Municipality in sparsely populated region Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: mungroup.

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Municipal Code
QoG Code: swm_municipalcode

Unique municipal code.

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Municipality name
QoG Code: swm_municipality

Unique municipal name.

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Neighbouring municipalities
QoG Code: swm_munneigh(1-11)

Neighbouring municipalities, ranging from 0-11 municipalities. Note: Mapping of municipal neighbours is compiled by Anders Sundell, scholar at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg.

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One party has ruled the executive board for the last 40 years
QoG Code: swm_oneparty

One party has ruled the executive board for the last 40 years. Source: Dagens Samhälle, Nr 38, 2013 2013. Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: oneparty.

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The party that has ruled the executive board for the last 40 years
QoG Code: swm_oneparty_party

The party that has ruled the executive board for the last 40 years. 0 = No party 1 = Socialdemokraterna 2 = Centerpartiet 3 = Moderaterna 4 = Folkpartiet Source: Dagens Samhälle, Nr 38, 2013 2013. Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: oneparty_party.

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Political secretaries, number of full time positions in the municipality
QoG Code: swm_polsec1

Political secretaries, number of full time positions in the municipality. Source: Dagens Samhälle, Nr 25, 2015 (www.dagenssamhalle.se) 2015.

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Political secretaries, total number in the municipality
QoG Code: swm_polsec2

Political secretaries, total number in the municipality. Source: Ds Kn 1982:7 (1980), Ds 1988:15 (1987), Dagens Samhälle (Nr 20 2011, Nr 25 2015 www.dagenssamhalle.se) 1982, 1987, 2011, 2015 Note: The sources use different classifications regarding the total number of political secretaries. Ds 1982 and Ds 1988 shows number of positions, whereas Dagens Samhälle shows number of persons.

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Audit: The chairmen of the auditors is appointed by the majority
QoG Code: swm_scb_audmaj

Audit: The chairmen of the auditors is appointed by the majority. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 0 = No 1 = Yes Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Audit: The chairmen of the auditors is appointed by the minority
QoG Code: swm_scb_audmin

Audit: The chairmen of the auditors is appointed by the minority. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 0 = No 1 = Yes Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Frequency of municipal citizen dialogue held during mandate period: 4 or more
QoG Code: swm_scb_cd1

Frequency of municipal citizen dialogue held during mandate period: 4 or more. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the period. The number from each year regarding frequency should thus not be added, but shows the total number of citizen dialogues held during the mandate period.

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Frequency of municipal citizen dialogue held during mandate period: 1-3
QoG Code: swm_scb_cd2

Frequency of municipal citizen dialogue held during mandate period: 1-3. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the period. The number from each year regarding frequency should thus not be added, but shows the total number of citizen dialogues held during the mandate period.

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The municipality offer citizen dialogue
QoG Code: swm_scb_cd3

The municipality offer citizen dialogue. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the period.

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Possibility to participate in citizen dialogue via the municipal website
QoG Code: swm_scb_cd4

Possibility to participate in citizen dialogue via the municipal website. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the period.

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Open assemblies in municipal committees: All committees, including municipal executive board
QoG Code: swm_scb_com1

Open assemblies in municipal committees: All committees, including municipal executive board. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014 Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate period.

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Open assemblies in municipal committees: All committees, excluding municipal executive board
QoG Code: swm_scb_com2

Open assemblies in municipal committees: All committees, excluding municipal executive board. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014 Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate period.

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Open assemblies in municipal committees: Some committees, including municipal executive board
QoG Code: swm_scb_com3

Open assemblies in municipal committees: Some committees, including municipal executive board. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014 Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate period.

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Open assemblies in municipal committees: Some committees, excluding municipal executive board
QoG Code: swm_scb_com4

Open assemblies in municipal committees: Some committees, excluding municipal executive board. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014 Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate period.

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Number of companies in municipality
QoG Code: swm_scb_compno

Number of companies in municipality. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2012 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: comp_no.

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Availability to citizen office in municipality, physical office
QoG Code: swm_scb_coph

Availability to citizen office in municipality, physical office. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: High school in the county
QoG Code: swm_scb_costcount_hs

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: High school in the county. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Free-standing high school
QoG Code: swm_scb_costfs_hs

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Free-standing high school. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: High school in another municipality
QoG Code: swm_scb_costmun_hs

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: High school in another municipality. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Private after-school centre
QoG Code: swm_scb_costusac_ps

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Private after-school centre. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Free-standing elementary school
QoG Code: swm_scb_costusfs_es

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Free-standing elementary school. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Elementary school in another municipality
QoG Code: swm_scb_costusmun_es

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Elementary school in another municipality. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Private pedagogic care
QoG Code: swm_scb_costuspc_ps

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Private pedagogic care. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Private pre-school
QoG Code: swm_scb_costusps_ps

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Private pre-school. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Availability to citizen office in municipality, web portal
QoG Code: swm_scb_cowc

Availability to citizen office in municipality, web portal. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Number of citizen proposals approved during mandate period
QoG Code: swm_scb_cpap

Number of citizen proposals approved during mandate period. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). The number from each year should thus not be added, but shows the total number of proposals approved during the mandate period.

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Number of citizen proposals submitted during mandate period
QoG Code: swm_scb_cpsub

Number of citizen proposals submitted during mandate period. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). The number from each year should thus not be added, but shows the total number of proposals submitted during the mandate period.

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Economically Active Daytime Population
QoG Code: swm_scb_econactdaypop

Economically Active Daytime Population. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: econactdaypop.

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Educational level: High school (3 years)
QoG Code: swm_scb_eduhs

EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, MUNICIPAL POPULATION: Number of people with high school education (3 years). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1985-2014.

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Educational level: Post graduate studies
QoG Code: swm_scb_edupd

EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, MUNICIPAL POPULATION: Number of people with post graduate education. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1985-2014.

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Share of population with high education (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_eduper

High education = 3 years post-secondary education or more, including post graduate studies. (Created variable) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1985-2014.

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Educational level: Post-secondary (less than 3 years)
QoG Code: swm_scb_edups1

EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, MUNICIPAL POPULATION: Number of people with post-secondary education (less than 3 years). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1985-2014.

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Educational level: Post-secondary (3 years or more)
QoG Code: swm_scb_edups2

EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, MUNICIPAL POPULATION: Number of people with post-secondary education (3 years or more). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1985-2014.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Centerpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_c

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Centerpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Folkpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_fp

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Folkpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Kristdemokraterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_kd

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Kristdemokraterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Moderaterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_m

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Moderaterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Miljöpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_mp

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Miljöpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Other parties
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_oth

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Other parties. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Socialdemokraterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_s

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Socialdemokraterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Sverigedemokraterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_sd

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Sverigedemokraterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Vänsterpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_ermun_v

Election result municipal assembly, share of votes: Vänsterpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. Note from source: The Sweden Democrats are categorised as "other parties" from 1988 years election until 1998.

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Foreign Background (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_forbg

Foreign Background (% of total population) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_foreignbg.

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Number of foreign born in municipal population
QoG Code: swm_scb_forborn1

Number of foreign born in municipal population

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Share of municipal population that are foreign born (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_forborn2

Share of municipal population that are foreign born (%) (created variable) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2001-2014.

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Number of people with foreign citizenship
QoG Code: swm_scb_forcit1

Number of people with foreign citizenship. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1980-2014.

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Share of population with foreign citizenship
QoG Code: swm_scb_forcit2

Share of population with foreign citizenship (created variable) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1980-2014.

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Mean income, municipal citizens
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmean

Mean income, municipal citizens Citizens 16 years and older, in 1000 SEK Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1991-2013.

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Median income: female population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedfem

MEDIAN INCOME IN MUNICIPALITY: Female population. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: incmed_female, incmed_male, incmed_total.

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Median income: male population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedmal

MEDIAN INCOME IN MUNICIPALITY: Male population. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: incmed_female, incmed_male, incmed_total.

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Median income: total population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedtot

MEDIAN INCOME IN MUNICIPALITY: Total population. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: incmed_female, incmed_male, incmed_total.

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Average life expectancy, men
QoG Code: swm_scb_lifexpmen

Average life expectancy, men. Remaining average life expectancy, from 0 years old. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010-2014.

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Average life expectancy, women
QoG Code: swm_scb_lifexpwom

Average life expectancy, women Remaining average life expectancy, from 0 years old. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010-2014.

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Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Care for disabled
QoG Code: swm_scb_lovdisab

Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Care for disabled. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Elementary school
QoG Code: swm_scb_loves

Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Elementary school. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Geriatric care
QoG Code: swm_scb_lovgeri

Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Geriatric care. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: High school
QoG Code: swm_scb_lovhs

Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: High school. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Individual care
QoG Code: swm_scb_lovifo

Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Individual care. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Pre-school
QoG Code: swm_scb_lovps

Freedom of choice in the following municipal operations: Pre-school. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Share of women in municipal assembly
QoG Code: swm_scb_mafem

Share of women in municipal assembly. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2006/2010, 2010/2014 Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate periods. The final year of mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: mc_female06, mc_female10.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Centerpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_c

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Centerpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Folkpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_fp

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Folkpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Kristdemokraterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_kd

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Kristdemokraterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Moderaterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_m

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Moderaterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Miljöpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_mp

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Miljöpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Other parties
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_oth

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Other parties. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Socialdemokraterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_s

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Socialdemokraterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Sverigedemokraterna
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_sd

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Sverigedemokraterna. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Number of seats in municipal assembly: Vänsterpartiet
QoG Code: swm_scb_mas_v

Number of seats in municipal assembly: Vänsterpartiet. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Years 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Mean age of population
QoG Code: swm_scb_meanage

Mean age of population Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_meanage.

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Municipal owned companies: Assets
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompass

Municipal owned companies: Assets. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010.

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Municipal owned companies: Own capital
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompcap

Municipal owned companies: Own capital. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010.

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Municipal owned companies: No of employees
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompemp

Municipal owned companies: No of employees. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010.

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Municipal owned companies: No of companies
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompno

Municipal owned companies: No of companies. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010.

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Municipal owned companies: Yearly result
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompres

Municipal owned companies: Yearly result. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010.

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Municipal owned companies: Revenue
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncomprev

Municipal owned companies: Revenue. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2010.

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Net births
QoG Code: swm_scb_netbirth

Net births Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_netbirth.

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Net migrants
QoG Code: swm_scb_netmig

Net migrants Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_migrant.

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Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Business activities
QoG Code: swm_scb_opbus

Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Business activities. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2013 Purchased operation, as share of operation cost (%). Note from source: The gathering of this information changed in 2011. As from 2011, the data only includes outsourcing of main activities. Before 2011, subsidiarity was also included.

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Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Care for elderly and handicapped
QoG Code: swm_scb_opec

Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Care for elderly and handicapped. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2013 Purchased operation, as share of operation cost (%). Note from source: The gathering of this information changed in 2011. As from 2011, the data only includes outsourcing of main activities. Before 2011, subsidiarity was also included.

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Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Education
QoG Code: swm_scb_opedu

Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Education. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2013 Purchased operation, as share of operation cost (%). Note from source: The gathering of this information changed in 2011. As from 2011, the data only includes outsourcing of main activities. Before 2011, subsidiarity was also included.

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Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Individual and family care
QoG Code: swm_scb_opifo

Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Individual and family care. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2013 Purchased operation, as share of operation cost (%). Note from source: The gathering of this information changed in 2011. As from 2011, the data only includes outsourcing of main activities. Before 2011, subsidiarity was also included.

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Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Infrastructure
QoG Code: swm_scb_opinfr

Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Infrastructure. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2013 Purchased operation, as share of operation cost (%). Note from source: The gathering of this information changed in 2011. As from 2011, the data only includes outsourcing of main activities. Before 2011, subsidiarity was also included.

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Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Pre-school and school-age child care
QoG Code: swm_scb_opps

Outsourcing in the following areas (%): Pre-school and school-age child care. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2013 Purchased operation, as share of operation cost (%). Note from source: The gathering of this information changed in 2011. As from 2011, the data only includes outsourcing of main activities. Before 2011, subsidiarity was also included.

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Outsourcing in neighbouring municipalities (%): Mean value of outsourcing
QoG Code: swm_scb_outsneigh1

Outsourcing in neighbouring municipalities (%): Mean value of outsourcing. Source: SCB 2010 Note: Includes purchased operation as share of operation cost (%) in care for elderly & handicapped, education and pre-school & school-age child care. Mapping of municipal neighbours is compiled by Anders Sundell, scholar at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg.

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Outsourcing in neighbouring municipalities (%): Highest value of outsourcing
QoG Code: swm_scb_outsneigh2

Outsourcing in neighbouring municipalities (%): Highest value of outsourcing. Source: SCB 2010 Note: Includes purchased operation as share of operation cost (%) in care for elderly & handicapped, education and pre-school & school-age child care. Mapping of municipal neighbours is compiled by Anders Sundell, scholar at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg.

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Petition for referendum during the present mandate period
QoG Code: swm_scb_petref

Petition for referendum during the present mandate period. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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The municipality has political secretaries hired during the mandate period
QoG Code: swm_scb_polsec

The municipality has political secretaries hired during the mandate period. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate period 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the period.

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QoG Code: swm_scb_pop

Population: Total municipal population Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1974-2014.

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Population 0-17 years (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_pop017

Population 0-17 years (% of total population) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_017.

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Population 18-64 years (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_pop1864

Population 18-64 years (% of total population) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_1864.

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Population 65+ years (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_pop65

Population 65+ years (% of total population) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_65.

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Number of emigrants
QoG Code: swm_scb_popem

Number of emigrants Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_emigrant.

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Female population (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_popfem

Female population (% of total population) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_female.

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Population increase in total numbers
QoG Code: swm_scb_popinc1

Population increase in total numbers. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1974-2014.

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Population increase in percent (%) (created variable)
QoG Code: swm_scb_popinc2

Population increase in percent (%) (created variable). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1974-2014

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Male Population (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_popmale

Male Population (% of total population) Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2011 Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: pop_male.

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The municipality has public/private partnerships
QoG Code: swm_scb_pp

The municipality has public/private partnerships. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of the mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014).

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Assistance to people with disabilities
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvdc

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Assistance to people with disabilities. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Elderly care
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvec

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Elderly care. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Elementary school
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppves

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Elementary school. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Health care
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvhec

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Health care. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: High school
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvhs

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: High school. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Individual and family care
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvifc

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Individual and family care. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Other education
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvoedu

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Other education. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Pre-school
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvps

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Pre-school. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Refugee reception
QoG Code: swm_scb_ppvref

Number of private providers in the following municipal operations: Refugee reception. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2013-2014 Note from source: Shows the total number of private providers. The same provider can occur within a municipality in several areas, and in different municipalities.

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Share of children in private child care: After-school care (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_prasc

Share of children in private child care: After-school care (%). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2000-2013.

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Share of children in private child care: All kinds of child care included (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_prchtot

Share of children in private child care: All kinds of child care included (%). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2000-2013.

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Share of children in private child care: Pedagogic care (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_prpc

Share of children in private child care: Pedagogic care (%). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2000-2013.

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Share of children in private child care: Pre-school (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_prps

Share of children in private child care: Pre-school (%). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2000-2013.

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Total purchase of municipal main activities, current prices in 1000 SEK, in the following operations: Care and welfare, in total
QoG Code: swm_scb_purchcaw

Total purchase of municipal main activities, current prices in 1000 SEK, in the following operations: Care and welfare, in total. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2014.

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Total purchase of municipal main activities, current prices in 1000 SEK, in the following operations: Pedagogic care, in total
QoG Code: swm_scb_purchped

Total purchase of municipal main activities, current prices in 1000 SEK, in the following operations: Pedagogic care, in total. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2014.

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Municipalities purchase from private companies, current prices in 1000 SEK
QoG Code: swm_scb_purchpriv

Municipalities purchase from private companies, current prices in 1000 SEK. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2014.

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Total purchase of municipal main activities, current prices in 1000 SEK, in the following operations: Refugee reception
QoG Code: swm_scb_purchref

Total purchase of municipal main activities, current prices in 1000 SEK, in the following operations: Refugee reception. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2014.

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Referendums held during mandate period
QoG Code: swm_scb_ref

Referendums held during mandate period. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 0 = No 1 = Yes Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014.

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Municipal employees: Average monthly salary, municipal employed
QoG Code: swm_scb_sal

Municipal employees: Average monthly salary, municipal employed. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 2007-2014 Note from source: The numbers from Trollhättan have previously been incorrectly declared by the municipality, the numbers should be correct from 2012 and forward.

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Municipal taxation, SEK per municipal citizen
QoG Code: swm_scb_tax

Municipal taxation, SEK per municipal citizen. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2014 Note from source: Region Gotland has different developmental responsibilities than other municipalities; hence it can be difficult to compare their results with the other municipalities.

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Municipal tax revenue, in 1000 SEK
QoG Code: swm_scb_taxrev

Municipal tax revenue, in 1000 SEK. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2014 Note from source: Region Gotland has different developmental responsibilities than other municipalities; hence it can be difficult to compare their results with the other municipalities.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Elementary school
QoG Code: swm_scb_totcostus_es

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Elementary school. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: High school
QoG Code: swm_scb_totcostus_hs

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: High school. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Total cost per child/student in the following areas: After-school centre
QoG Code: swm_scb_totcostusac_ps

Total cost per child/student in the following areas: After-school centre. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Pedagogic care
QoG Code: swm_scb_totcostuspc_ps

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Pedagogic care. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Pre-school
QoG Code: swm_scb_totcostusps_ps

Municipal contribution per child/student in following areas: Pre-school. Source: SCB 2000-2013.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Disability care
QoG Code: swm_scb_ucdc

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Disability care. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Elderly care
QoG Code: swm_scb_ucec

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Elderly care. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Elementary school
QoG Code: swm_scb_uces

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Elementary school. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: High school
QoG Code: swm_scb_uchs

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: High school. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Individual care
QoG Code: swm_scb_ucic

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Individual care. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Other area
QoG Code: swm_scb_ucoth

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Other area. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Pre-school
QoG Code: swm_scb_ucps

Individual user cooperative in the municipal operations: Pre-school. 1 = Yes 0 = No Source: SCB (www.scb.se). Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). User cooperative: Users of the operation are members/owners of the cooperative.

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Share of population in long-term unemployment, born in foreign country (excluding EU/EFTA) (%)
QoG Code: swm_scb_unempfor

Share of population in long-term unemployment, born in foreign country (excluding EU/EFTA) (%). Share of foreign born municipal population aged 20-64 unemployed, for at least 100 days (if under 25 years) or six months (if 25+ years). Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1997-2014.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Disability care
QoG Code: swm_scb_urdc

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Disability care. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Elderly care
QoG Code: swm_scb_urec

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Elderly care. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Elementary school
QoG Code: swm_scb_ures

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Elementary school. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: High school
QoG Code: swm_scb_urhs

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: High school. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Individual care
QoG Code: swm_scb_uric

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Individual care. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Other area
QoG Code: swm_scb_uroth

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Other area. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Pre-school
QoG Code: swm_scb_urps

Individual user representation in the following municipal operations: Pre-school. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SCB (www.scb.se) Mandate periods 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014). Individual user representation: Municipality remains in charge of operation; user influence takes place through representation in the agencies that govern the operation.

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Voter turnout in municipal elections
QoG Code: swm_scb_voteturn

Voter turnout in municipal elections. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1982-2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the periods.

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Municipal yearly result
QoG Code: swm_scb_yer

Municipal yearly result. Source: SCB (www.scb.se) 1998-2014. Note from source: Region Gotland has different developmental responsibilities than other municipalities; hence it can be difficult to compare their results with the other municipalities.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in school and child care?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_1

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in school and child care? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in social services?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_2

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in social services? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in technical administration?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_3

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in technical administration? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in planning and building?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_4

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in planning and building? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in culture and leisure?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_5

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in culture and leisure? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in business sector and tourism?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_6

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in business sector and tourism? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how common is corruption in health care?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q10_7

Municipal corruption: In general, how common do you think corruption (i.e. misuse of public service or elected post for private gain) is in health care? On a scale of 1 "Very common" to 3 "Neither common or uncommon" to 5 "Very uncommon" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: violence, threat of violence or blackmailing
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q11

Municipal corruption: How often have you been exposed to violence, threat of violence or blackmailing, where the person exposing you to this demands that you, in your municipal commitment, act in a way that you otherwise would not have? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: violence, threat of violence or blackmailing of others
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q12

Municipal corruption: In general, how often do you think politicians and bureaucrats are exposed to violence, threat of violence or blackmailing, where the person exposing them to this demands that they, in their municipal commitments, act in a way that they otherwise would not have? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: misuse the position of power and trust
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q13_1

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all" It is common that full- and part-time politicians in Swedish municipalities misuse their position of power and trust, appropriating benefits to themselves or their close ones at the expense of the municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: senior bureaucrats misuse their position of power and trust
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q13_2

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all" It is common that senior bureaucrats in Swedish municipalities misuse their position of power and trust, appropriating benefits to themselves or their close ones at the expense of the municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: politicians benefit themselves at the expense of the municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q13_3

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all" It is more common in other municipalities that full- and part-time politicians benefit themselves at the expense of the municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: bureaucrats benefit themselves at the expense of the municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q13_4

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all" It is more common in other municipalities that bureaucrats benefit themselves at the expense of the municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: the public procurement works impartially
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q13_5

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all" The public procurement works impartially in Swedish municipalities. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: the public procurement works impartially in my municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q13_6

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all" The public procurement works impartially in my municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: Municipal auditing is an important instrument in order to supress and expose abuse of power in my municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q14_1

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all". Municipal auditing is an important instrument in order to supress and expose abuse of power in my municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The local media coverage is an important instrument in order to supress and expose abuse of power in my municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q14_2

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all". The local media coverage is an important instrument in order to supress and expose abuse of power in my municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: It would be easy for me, if I wanted to, to arrange benefits to me and my close ones at the expense of the municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q14_3

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all". It would be easy for me, if I wanted to, to arrange benefits to me and my close ones at the expense of the municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: I intervene if I suspect someone is appropriating for themselves or their close ones at the expense of the municipality
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q14_4

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all". I intervene if I suspect someone is appropriating for themselves or their close ones at the expense of the municipality. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: It is easy to trust people in general, even if they are strangers that you have never met before
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q14_5

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 "Agree completely" to 4 "Do not agree at all". It is easy to trust people in general, even if they are strangers that you have never met before. Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: Are you familiar with the regulations regarding corruption in your municipality?
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q15

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? Are you familiar with the regulations regarding corruption in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "Yes, fully" to 4 "No, not at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: Knowledge of the bureaucrats about regulations regarding corruption
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q16

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? If you would make a judgement of the bureaucrats in the municipality in general, how good would you say their knowledge is about regulations regarding corruption? On a scale of 1 "Very good" to 4 "Very inadequate". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: Knowledge of the politicians about regulations regarding corruption
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q17

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? If you would make a judgement of the politicians in the municipality in general, how good would you say their knowledge is about regulations regarding corruption? On a scale of 1 "Very good" to 4 "Very inadequate". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The need for education in order to enhance politicians' and bureaucrats' knowledge and awareness of corruption
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q18

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? How big is the need for education in the municipality in order to enhance politicians' and bureaucrats' knowledge and awareness of corruption? On a scale of 1 "Very big" to 4 "No need at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The municipality conveys information to the politicians and bureaucrats about rules regarding corruption
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q19

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? To what degree do you consider the municipality conveys information to the politicians and bureaucrats about rules regarding corruption? On a scale of 1 "Very high degree" to 4 "Very low degree". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The existent regulation is supplemented with local regulations, aiming to prevent corruption
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q20

Municipal corruption: In your own opinion, to what degree do you agree with the following statements? How important do you consider it to be that the existent regulation is supplemented with local regulations, aiming to prevent corruption in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "Very important" to 4 "Not important at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The regulations are sufficient in the guidelines for bribes
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q21_1

Municipal corruption: To what degree to you consider the regulations of the municipality, which aim to prevent corruption, are sufficient in the guidelines for bribes? On a scale of 1 "Very high degree" to 3 "Neither high or low degree" to 5 "Not at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The regulations are sufficient in the guidelines for representation
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q21_3

Municipal corruption: To what degree to you consider the regulations of the municipality, which aim to prevent corruption, are sufficient in the guidelines for representation? On a scale of 1 "Very high degree" to 3 "Neither high or low degree" to 5 "Not at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The regulations are sufficient in the guidelines for procurement
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q21_4

Municipal corruption: To what degree to you consider the regulations of the municipality, which aim to prevent corruption, are sufficient in the guidelines for procurement? On a scale of 1 "Very high degree" to 3 "Neither high or low degree" to 5 "Not at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: The issue of preventative efforts towards corruption as a vivid issue
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q22

Municipal corruption: To what degree do you consider the issue of preventative efforts towards corruption as a vivid issue in your municipality? On a scale of 1 "Very high degree" to 4 "Not at all". Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: how often are you offered money or other favours
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q5

Municipal corruption: As an elected representative/in duty, how often are you offered money or other favours in order to make a decision that gains the person/persons offering? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: How often other politicians and bureaucrats are offered money or other favours
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q6

Municipal corruption: How often do you think other politicians and bureaucrats in your municipality are offered money or other favours in order to make a decision that gains the person/persons offering? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: How often other politicians and bureaucrats have actually accepted the favour
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q7

Municipal corruption: How often do you think other politicians and bureaucrats in your municipality have actually accepted the favour they have been offered? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: How often politicians and bureaucrats in other municipalities are offered money or other favours
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q8

Municipal corruption: How often do you think politicians and bureaucrats in other municipalities are offered money or other favours in order to make a decision that gains the person/persons offering? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Municipal corruption: How often politicians and bureaucrats in other municipalities have actually accepted the favour
QoG Code: swm_sk_Q9

Municipal corruption: How often do you think politicians and bureaucrats in other municipalities have actually accepted the favour they have been offered? On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often" Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290. Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

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Number of auditors
QoG Code: swm_skl_aud

Number of auditors. Source: SKL Mandate period 2010/2014. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate period. The number from each year should thus not be added, but shows the total number of auditors during the mandate period.

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No of municipal employed in: Administration
QoG Code: swm_skl_empadm

No of municipal employed in: Administration. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: Care and welfare
QoG Code: swm_skl_empcar

No of municipal employed in: Care and welfare. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: Culture, tourism and leisure
QoG Code: swm_skl_empcul

No of municipal employed in: Culture, tourism and leisure. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: Rehab and prevention
QoG Code: swm_skl_empreh

No of municipal employed in: Rehab and prevention. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: School and child care
QoG Code: swm_skl_empscho

No of municipal employed in: School and child care. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: Social and curative work
QoG Code: swm_skl_empsoc

No of municipal employed in: Social and curative work. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: Technology
QoG Code: swm_skl_emptec

No of municipal employed in: Technology. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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No of municipal employed in: Total
QoG Code: swm_skl_emptot

No of municipal employed in: Total. Concerns all monthly salaried, including vacant Source: SKL (www.skl.se) 2010-2014.

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The executive board ruled by political minority
QoG Code: swm_skl_minority

The executive board ruled by political minority. 0 = No 1 = Yes Source: SKL (www.skl.se) Mandate period 2006/2010, 2010/2014 Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate periods. The final year of mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (i.e. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: minority06, minority10.

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Ideology of ruling coalition
QoG Code: swm_skl_rulcoal

Ideology of ruling coalition. 1 = Right 2 = Left 3 = Bloc Exceeding 4 = Other Source: SKL (www.skl.se) Mandate periods 1998/2002, 2002/2006, 2006/2010, 2010/2014, 2014/2018. Note: Values have been transferred to all years within the mandate periods. The final year of each mandate period is covered in the subsequent period (e.g. 2010 is covered in 2010/2014. Note from source: Information is based on data handed in by the municipalities.

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Number of persons aged 65 and older in ordinarily housing, granted home care/assisted living: in privately run home care.
QoG Code: swm_soc_hocpr1

Number of persons aged 65 and older in ordinarily housing, granted home care/assisted living: in privately run home care. Source: Socialstyrelsen (www.socialstyrelsen.se) 2009-2014.

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Number of persons aged 65 and older in ordinarily housing, granted home care/assisted living: share in privately run home care (%)
QoG Code: swm_soc_hocpr2

Number of persons aged 65 and older in ordinarily housing, granted home care/assisted living: share in privately run home care (%). Source: Socialstyrelsen (www.socialstyrelsen.se) 2009-2014.

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Number of persons aged 65 and older in ordinarily housing, granted home care/assisted living: in total
QoG Code: swm_soc_hoctot

Number of persons aged 65 and older in ordinarily housing, granted home care/assisted living: in total. Source: Socialstyrelsen (www.socialstyrelsen.se) 2009-2014.

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ID code for spmap
QoG Code: swm_spmapid

ID code for spmap Spmap is a command for creating maps in Stata. For more information about spmap please visit www.stata.com. The municipality coordinates needed for creating the maps can be downloaded here: http://www.qogdata.pol.gu.se/spmap/spmap_qog_municpality.dta. Note: Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable name: spmapid.

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Grades, school year 9
QoG Code: swm_sv_ames

Grades, school year 9 Average merit rating, all students included. Maximum merit rating = 320 points. Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 1998-2015

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Grades, high school graduates
QoG Code: swm_sv_amhs

Grades, high school graduates Average grade points, students with high school degree. Concerns the municipality where the school is located. Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 2014.

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Students continuing from high school to college
QoG Code: swm_sv_coll

Share of students in municipality that have continued to college within 3 years after finished high school studies (%) Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 1992-2014 Note from source: The transition frequency is strikingly high 1998. This is due to the fact that fewer students received upper secondary school leaving certificate from vocational program in the spring of 1995 compared to other years.

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Share of high school students graduating within 3 years (%)
QoG Code: swm_sv_grad

Share of high school students graduating within 3 years (%) Includes all students that started high school education for the first time, three years before 2014. Concerns the municipality where the school is located. Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 2014.

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Number of students in high schools: Private principals
QoG Code: swm_sv_hspr1

Number of students in high schools: Private principals. Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 2007-2014.

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Number of students in high schools: Share of students in high schools run by private initiatives (%).
QoG Code: swm_sv_hspr2

Number of students in high schools: Share of students in high schools run by private initiatives (%). Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 2007-2014.

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Number of students in high schools: All principals, total number
QoG Code: swm_sv_hstot

Number of students in high schools: All principals, total number. Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 2007-2014.

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Share of children in pre-school run by private principals (%)
QoG Code: swm_sv_prps

Share of children in pre-school run by private principals (%) Source: Skolverket (www.skolverket.se) 1997-2014 Note from source: Skolverket classify private principals as pre-schools where the municipality has the overall responsibility but are run by another principal.

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